Dharmadatta Community was founded in 2009 by and for Spanish-speaking women who share a vision of awakening as collective.
Its offerings include an online institute for the study of Buddhist teachings that now has 400 students in its seven-year study program, a virtual meditation hall with regular group practice sessions and hybrid meditation retreats. To ensure an equitable and inclusive community, Dharmadatta has maintained a fierce commitment to offer all its online talks, workshops, retreats and other events completely free of charge. Its projects are sustained by generosity and the efforts of a volunteer organization that unites over 150 people.
The community locates gender and ecological issues at the heart of Buddhist practice.
Our community began as a group of nuns who trained together for seven years in India with Tibetan Buddhist masters, including the Dalai Lama, 17th Karmapa and other senior Karma Kagyu masters. After seven years training in India and four years serving in Mexico with the nuns walking their path alongside lay practitioners, Dharmadatta Community has shifted to a model of community that integrates lay and monastic practitioners.
Our residential community
Read more about Dharmadatta’s current and past residents
Thubten Karya (Andrea Quintana Torres)
Past residents