Dharmadatta Community offers meditation instruction, online Buddhist teaching and guided practice entirely in Spanish, at no charge to anyone. Thousands of Spanish speakers have learned how to meditate through our workshops and guided online sessions, since we began offering our services in 2012. Several thousand people have taken courses to deepen their skills and confidence, and 500 people are currently engaging in our seven-year study program. Our students are spread across Latin America and everyone that Spanish speakers are found today.

No one has had to pay for these services, thanks to the donations we receive from kind people like you. Your donations allow us to meet our commitment to continue offering all our programs free of charge, removing the barrier of entry that Spanish speakers worldwide face in receiving qualified meditation and advanced Buddhist instruction.

Your donation removes the barriers that are created when people are required to pay for such services. Donations to Dharmadatta Community specifically cover the costs of creating our online courses and and maintaining them open to all via Instituto Budadharma, including the seven-year study program that 500 students are currently undergoing. They also make it possible for us to offer online retreats, meditation workshops and guided practice sessions through our Salas de Meditación Dharmadatta – all free of charge and open to all.

Our teachers live together in community, also supported entirely by dana, or donations. Their weekly teachings reach over 190,000 subscribers through our Spanish-language YouTube channel and throughout the year they lead retreats, teach, guide practice sessions, and participate actively in the life of the practice community, with three months set aside each year for strict retreat to rejuvenate and deepen their own spiritual practice. Just as they support one another as they live a life of voluntary simplicity and share the Buddhist path with the practice community they serve, they in turn depend entirely on the kindness of others to support them in this life.

Please know that all donations of any size are welcomed with gratitude. We make them go a long, long way. If you would like to support our activities and our way of life, you can contribute via credit card or Pay Pal using the following link.

Dharmadatta Community is a registered non-profit with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. As such, your donations are tax deductible within the United States.